Dulwich Hill Parish is a Catholic community seeking to live the Christian life within the tradition and authentic teaching of the Catholic Church.

Dulwich Hill Parish is a Catholic community seeking to live the Christian life within the tradition and authentic teaching of the Catholic Church.

As a community of faith all parishioners are invited to contribute to the life of the Parish. Below are some of the activities of the Parish. These are some of the ways that members of the parish contribute towards building up the community.

Present and new parish members are invited to consider what they can contribute to at St Paul of the Cross.

  • Parish Young Adult Group – meets every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month at 6pm in Presbytery
  • Italian Group – meet for Mass and prayer and provide support for people of Italian background
  • Filipino Community – engages in activities to serve the Filipino community
  • Novena – prayers of petition and thanksgiving to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Wednesday evenings
  • Cenacle – prayers to Our Lady, including Rosary and Consecration to the Immaculate Heart, on First Saturdays of the month
  • St Vincent de Paul Society – visits the needy in their homes and offers practical support
  • Social Justice Group – meets to consider and respond to issues of Social Justice, locally, nationally and internationally
  • Catechists – teach Scripture lessons to children in State Schools
  • Parish School
  • Acolytes – have the role of assisting the priest at the altar
  • Readers – proclaim the Scriptures at Mass
  • Communion Ministers – assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick in hospitals and homes
  • Altar Servers – young people who assist the priest and acolyte at Mass
  • Musicians and Singers – Serve the celebration of the Mass by contributing their skill in music.
  • Cleaners – volunteer their time to prepare the Church for Sunday Mass
  • Liturgical Environment – organise the presentation of the altar for the liturgy
  • Collectors and Counters – assist in the collection and counting of money at the Sunday Masses
  • Overhead projectionists – project the transparencies needed for major Masses
  • Hospitality – provide opportunities for parish social activities
  • Parish Pastoral Council: A new Pastoral Council will be established soon to assist the priest in identifying and meeting the pastoral needs of parishioners
  • Parish Finance Committee – advises the Parish Priest on financial matters.